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Week 5 Guiding Questions

1. What has helped you as a learner as you progressed through the assignment thus far? Why?


   It was helpful to break down the sections. I looked at the specific expectation and highlighted the main points and broke it down to answer the 3 big questions which lead me to figure out the learning goals and the success criteria.


2. What has hindered your learning as you progressed through the assignment thus far? Why?


   The layout of the UOIT lesson plan templet was very confusing and overwhelming at first. Now after looking though I understand the layout but it can be very confusing at first.


3. How might you address what you have identified in number 2 above moving forward?


  When doing my own plan I would like to change the layout slightly. I would place the specific expectation first and then the 3 questions followed by the learning goals, success criteria and agendas and the lesson scaffold. The  sections of preassessment and layout will be attached as the appendix as in most classes the information will be similar. 

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